eTwinning promotes school cooperation in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies
Why should a teacher get involved in eTwinning?
There are many reasons for a teacher to get involved in eTwinning, as the Action can be used in many different ways
You can enhance your knowledge of a specific pedagogical topic or field of learning, improve your teaching method
Vocational Training
You can stimulate the interest of your students through the implementation of a collaborative eTwinning project.
Pedagogical Support
Through eTwinning Groups you can get in touch with other European teachers to exchange pedagogical material and good practice, and to find out about other education systems
Technical Support
Discover eTwinning
in 4 simple steps
Our team can assist you in transforming your business through latest tech capabilities to stay ahead of the curve.
- Step 1: Find out what eTwinning has to offer
- Step 2: Create your own profile on the eTwinning platform
- Step 3: Make the most of your eTwinning Desktop
- Step 4: Implement your own eTwinning project in Twinspace