Completion of the project

The material you enter during the implementation of your project is only available to Twinspace members. To better disseminate your results and if you intend to apply for an eTwinning Quality Label, we recommend that you publish all or part of your project. By making it visible to a wider audience, your Twinspace becomes a valuable evaluation tool for the project team, pupils, other schools that may be inspired by your work, as well as for the National Support Organisation and the Central Support Service (NSO and CSS).

Publications in local newspapers or on your school’s website can further promote the material produced.

Evaluation of the project

Upon completion of the project, collect interim evaluations of students and teachers concerning the teaching, pedagogical and educational aspects of the project.  In this way you will be able to compile a more general picture that will be evaluated:

  • How innovative was your project and the methods you used to implement it?
  • The degree of communication/cooperation between students
  • The effective use of the ICTs you have chosen
  • The skills that the project managed to cultivate in your students
  • The involvement of other stakeholders in the project (school staff, parents, local community)

Apply for a Quality Label

Make sure you meet the conditions and assessment criteria of the National and European Quality Labels and then submit your application online. For the conditions and criteria you can consult the following link  as well as the useful advice form

By securing the European Quality Label you can apply for the European eTwinning Award.

Cypriot projects awarded a European eTwinning Award :

“Open the gates to the Universe” – Marie Skłodowska Curie Prize

Primary School of Dasaki Achna “Fotis Pittas”, Coordinating Teacher: George Konstantinou

“Looking for Beau and Delfi” – Award for the age category 4-11

6th Primary School Ayios Stylianos, Coordinating Teacher: Nikos Siekkeris

“MMM: MoreMeaningfulMath” – Award for the category: English Language.

Linopetra High School, Coordinator Teacher: Elena Papamichael

“Intercultural Dialogue through fairy tales, drama and art”

Award for the category: the Mevlana Prize for Intercultural Understanding

Tsirio High School, Coordinator Teacher: Evanthia Athanasopoulou

“Bookraft” – Award for the 16-19 age category

Primary School Ag. Stylianos, Coordinator Teacher: Chrysanthea Papakonstantinou

“Schoolvision 2009” – Creative use of digital media

Agros Primary School, Coordinating Teacher: Niki Nikolaidou

“A drop travels” – Second place for the 4-11 age group award

Primary School of Latsia, Coordinator Teacher: Chrysanthea Papakonstantinou